Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, Corgi Lovers, and you know what that means - - candy, flowers, restaurant reservations… Time to pull out all the stops on the road to romance for that special someone in your life! As fellow...
January is Train Your Dog Month, and one of the most asked questions when getting a new dog is: How do I potty train him? Whether or not your Corgi is potty trained can make a big difference in the happiness of...
Happy Pawlidays, Corgi Lovers! We hope your holiday season is off to a fantastic start, and that you are setting aside time to appreciate the truly important things at this special time of year. Since many of us count our Corgis as...
The calendar has turned another page, dear Corgi Lovers, and that means the holidays are bearing down on us at top speed! It seems like Halloween was just yesterday and we’re already prepping for Thanksgiving. Luckily, you still have a few weeks...