Café x Nayothecorgi GRAND OPENING OCT.13, 2019

Café – The FIRST dessert shop making Souffle in the LA region – has exactly the same initiative and brand mission as Nayothecorgi. The crossover of the two brands makes the long-time wanted corgi-themed café become a reality in the US. Other than tasty drinks and super soft souffle, you could also immerse yourself in an environment full of corgis: corgi mugs, corgi plates, corgi decorations, corgi merchandise and most importantly, real corgis! You will also have a chance to bring home a corgi if you find “the one” here.
While corgis are becoming increasingly popular today, it’s a top priory for Nayothecorgi as a brand to spread of love for pets and help in educating the potential pet owners to raise pets responsibly. Liking a dog is easy, but raising them needs much more effort and commitment. The aim of this crossover is to provide general public (esp pet lovers) a chance to relax and socialize. While enjoying great food and drink, at the same time you have an opportunity to spend time with corgis and understand their habits and needs. That is the main reason we also invited one of the most well-known local corgi rescue groups QBSDR to join us on this mission.