Around here, we passionately subscribe to the motto, “Love me; love my Corgi “, and we know we’re in good company. Two-thirds of households in the US have pets – twice the number with kids under the age of 18. So although it can seem difficult to find someone who is right for both you and your Corgi, the numbers prove they’re out there. So if you haven’t yet found that special someone, don’t be discouraged - - here are 5 dating tips for you Corgi lovers that should help.
1. Be transparent about your status as a Corgi owner.Include your Corgi in one of your profile pictures and include activities with your Corgi among your hobbies. Disclosing from the start that you have a furry friend in your life sets realistic expectations for your time. It’s also a benefit to how you’re perceived, as people with pets are seen as caring and responsible – two qualities everyone looks for in a mate.
Make it clear you have a Corgi and ask your potential date’s feelings on the subject. If you learn they are allergic to cats or have always hated dogs, chances are the relationship will not pan out. Pass on those who don’t share your enthusiasm for pets – - there are plenty of potential partners who will.
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3. Be patient until you find a fellow Corgi lover.When you have established that a potential date shares your love of animals and is accepting of your Corgi, set up a meet and greet. The best way to do this would be at a park or other neutral location (especially if your date also has a dog you want to meet). Keep your energy calm and easy, and let the meeting happen naturally at the dog’s pace.
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4. Be considerate and ensure your Corgi is well-behaved.Even if your date is an animal lover, he or she has not had time to get to love your Corgi. If you invite your date to your home, make sure it is free of pet hair, clean and odorless. Before your date arrives, give your Corgi a long walk or a vigorous play session so that he doesn’t take his exuberance out on your date. And since not everyone feels the same about pets on the furniture, pets in the bedroom, etc., find out where your views align on these subjects. As in all areas of good relationships, communication and compromise are key.
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5. Be proactive in the search for a Corgi-loving mate.Your Corgi is a part of your life, and you are looking to make a match with someone who shares similar values. Give yourself the best chance of success by putting yourself in environments where you can meet like-minded people. Going to the dog park or volunteering with a pet organization are both great ways to meet other pet parents in a low-pressure setting. You can also sign up with one of the numerous dating sites specifically geared towards pet lovers.
Finding that special someone to share your life with is one of the most important choices you can make. Take your time and do it right to ensure lasting happiness for you, your partner and your Corgi.

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